Saturday, November 29, 2008

The need of the hour

Alright folks, here goes...
I think that the need of the hour is to extend all support to the people who are in trouble because of this barbaric bloodshed.
It is also to increase awareness among everyone (ourselves included) of how best to be prepared, and how to do our bit to prevent this attack on our freedom to live. For e.g. how many of us know of the emergency numbers in India? What is the response time for these services? I am sure a lot of people don't know...we need to see how we can improve awareness. we have these general awareness messages on family planning, AIDS, the likes, displayed in most public places (including at the back of trucks!). why can't we push for general words of caution to be displayed in public places? or, we could see if there is a possibility of having an informative article in newspaper dailys.

I am going to touch base with someone i know, who could help with info on what could be termed suspicious, how to report such suspicious activity/objects, and how best to address similar issues pertaining to human safety. if i get some information from him, shall share it here, and then we need to come up with a plan to share it among maximum people across our land.

let's get moving folks...
(the action plan on security at our places of work, public places, cinemas, malls...that needs to happen too!)


Suvro Chatterjee said...

You are doing good work, Sumitha. Keep going!

Sumitha said...

Thank you, sir.